
Archive for July, 2009

How time flies!

DanielWow, it has been a long time since I have posted anything so let me get everyone up to date on our Little Man. He had is 2 month checkup on June 30th and he weighed 11.5 lbs, he was 23 3/4 inches long, and his head circumference was 41cm. He got his first round of shots and he did well with the first 3, he was sucking on his paci, but when they gave him the other two, he spit out the paci and started crying. At that point, I had wished I could take the shots for him, his little cry was so pitiful. I am glad that Matt went with me. Daniel fell asleep in the car on the way home, so I just let him sleep in his car seat when we got to the house, and I took advantage of him sleeping and took a nap myslef. Daniel did really good for the rest of the day and night, he just wanted me to hold him a lot. His next set of shots will not be until he is 4 months old.

He is drinking 4oz about every 2-3hrs and he is in size one diapers now. He wakes up about 6:30-7:00a.m.. every morning and after I give him his morning bottle we have some playtime. Susan let us use a tummy time mat that later turns into a tunnel he can crawl through. The tummy time mat has hanging toys and Daniel smiles and coos at them. He is smiling a whole lot, and starting to get really good at lifting his head while he is on his stomach. I can’t believe he is almost 3 months old! He has also been trying to turn over, he gets on his side but so far can’t make it all the way over, but I know he will soon. I have been trying to get him to sleep in his crib ( he has been sleeping in his bassinet since he was born) but so far he will only sleep in the crib for about an hour at a time. I am trying to get him to take his naps in the crib, maybe he will get used to it a little at a time. We shall see!

Time sure does fly!

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